Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Men: Don't Change

It's a douchebag thing to say, but I think if every man stuck to their guns, life would be simple and happy.

Picture this: You find the girl of your dreams, but she finds the project of her dreams. You're obviously starstruck, so you can find nothing wrong with her. She only the other hand, thinks that there are some things you would work on. Now you're still starstruck so you're willing to make any changes and be on your best your best behavior.


No changes actually stick. They won't, especially if you're making them for someone else. If you've been getting along just fine in your life before this girl, you probably don't see a valid reason for the change other than impressing the girl.


You've got the girl: She likes you or or she has had sex with you or (please no...) she is in a relationship with you or (GOD no!) she married you. All of a sudden the old you... or REAL you... begins to resurface. She starts complaining because she obviously didn't like the old or real you, and you're getting frustrated because you want to start slacking off. Or maybe you want to start being the real you, the person you were before you met her.

Problems arise. Arguments ensue. Breakup is possible. Misery is unavoidable.

All because you changed for her. Now you have to deal with losing her or worse, LIVING with her.

Although the title of this post says that you shouldn't change, I'm not saying you shouldn't. Title is just to catch your eye. Compromise is a necessary part of any relationship. Put the toilet seat down. Eat at the table and not in front of the TV. Scheduling time to go out with the guys. Not farting under the covers. Sh*t, let's throw in stop flirting with other girls.

But if there are things about yourself that you refuse to give up for your friends, homegirls, or ugly people, don't do them for your dream girl.

Try to change, or actually change something you love about yourself, and that sh*t will become a nightmare. And you'll have only yourself to blame.

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