Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Tragedy of Modern Day Christianity

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Matthew 24:3-5, 10, 13

@raindrops77 and her homegirl were having a talk about some man of God who was less than righteous with the opposite sex. I also was thinking about my godsister, who was told by the son of a preacherman that they were meant to be together and God was okay with them having premarital sex because they have needs until that time.


Now I'm the grandson of a pastor. I know what reputation pastor's kids hold and I wore that rep like a badge of honor. However, I never used my "status" or "influence" to impress any girls and I DEF didn't use God as a scapegoat. I ran away from church, but the prodigal son returned and found a mess.

Co-pastor Zachary Tims is just the latest pastor to get caught with his pants down. Literally. Pause. His wife Co-pastor Riva Tims has filed for divorce, two years after skripper Judy Nguyen posted details of their affair on the internet. A great deal of men are dogs. The facts that more Americans have been divorced once than those who remain married and that more Americans are comfortable with extra-marital affairs don't make it any easier on those men who try to stick to their vitues.

I just figured that men of God would be more a little more devoted. Especially when they have thousands of souls that they have been entrusted to nurture and guide. Zarchary Tims church, the New Destiny Christian Center, had 7500 at its zenith (that is, right before that skripper came forward).

This is an indictment an indictment of religion and those that invest their faith in it: the pastors who profit and falter and the people who use it for peace of mind. I've ranted before about how useless organized religion is. Mankind is flawed, and religion is construct of mankind. There's no way we can figure out God. The people who wrote the Bible were wrong sometimes, and King James's translators were def on that opium from time to time.

People have to stand for themselves. If my grandparents lost their minds and became Satanists, I'd just have to pray for their *ss. All these ministers are obviously going to falter, but people are basing their salvation on the character of a human being. Just because they screw up, doesn't give anyone an excuse in front of God. You can't live a life of sin because the preacher sinned once.

Guarantee you these pastors repent anyways, ensuring their salvation.

People have become so caught up in what these men and women are doing that they have forgotten about God. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone will remember until it's too late.


  1. I think youre putting too much weight on man's authority.No one man is important enough to disrupt TRUE faith. He only hurt himself.Those who "follow" him will be just fine if they were true christians.
    Religion is personal...yet God has specific love laws that are, though diverse in interpretation, universal in nature, for the benifit of man not God.Organized religion is a shared observance of those commandments..for fellowship..nothing more.
    I guess what im saying is...I think organized religion, once seperated from the added on connotations that should be associated with personal relationships with Christ, is fine. Becuase it takes the individual realationships to make up the church, not the church to make up individual relationships....and in this light... what some backwards pastor does is of no consequence to me, or "Religion".

  2. I would be more inclined to believe you if Jesus didn't speak about the falling away of many because of false prophets.

    Organized religion was intended to be a shared observance, or was it? Let us not forget that the Christianity at its core was a decentralized network of believers who came together only because they love Jesus Christ. Then it was adopted as the state religion by the Romans.

    And we know how they do things.

    Even so, organized religion is apart of one's lifestyle like a job. As evidenced by how many Americans are changing denominations or entire faiths like they change jobs. It fits into their schedule, without consideration of how God should govern their entire lives.

    I don't disagree with your view. I think that's the attitude everyone should have. I just don't think everyone does.
